Spot Gum Conditions in Your Child’s Teeth

How to Spot Gum Conditions in Your Child’s Teeth

The oral health of your children must be checked regularly. It is so easy for children to neglect their oral health because they do not have enough sense to keep it healthy. They rely on adults who know better to ensure they are eating the right foods and taking the necessary precautions so that they do not develop cavities or gum disease.

As a parent or guardian, it is your responsibility to spot gum conditions in your child’s teeth. Since signs of gum conditions can occur at any time, you do not want to wait for your child’s next dental appointment before they are discovered. It is better that you recognize the symptoms so that you can get treatment for your child immediately.

If it turns out your child has gum disease, then you must take them to a family dental facility where they can receive the necessary dental care. Lake Haven Dental Surgery is a renowned dental practice which specializes in handling the dental care needs of children.

They are just one example of a good family dental practice for children. If you live near them, then definitely consider bringing your child there.

Below are seven tips on checking your child’s oral health. You will mostly be looking for signs of periodontal disease. The sooner you discover the symptoms of this disease, the faster you can take action so that it does not cause permanent damage to your child’s teeth.

Look for Red or Swollen Gums

The gums are naturally supposed to have a pinkish colour to them. If your child starts to develop bright red gums which look swollen and puffy, then you need to bring them to the dentist immediately. Depending on the severity of the symptoms, the dentist may administer antibiotic medicine to reduce the swelling and redness.

Look for Bleeding from Brushing

If your child can brush their teeth, then watch them whenever they brush. See if their gums start to bleed while brushing. If you see blood, then it is not a good sign. First, make sure they are not brushing too aggressively because that might cause this problem.

Next, do not let them eat any sugary or spicy foods for a while. Sometimes the bleeding can be temporary if bad foods were eaten lately. But if the bleeding continues each time they brush, then you need to take them to the dentist.

Look for Receding Gums

Does it look like your child’s gums are pulling farther back from the teeth? If so, then your child has receding gums brought on by gum disease. If the gums recede too much, then the strength or growth of your child’s teeth could become impacted. Gum recession can be halted but not reversed.

Look for Teeth Separation

Does your child have gaps in between their teeth? Any extra space you see which appears to separate their teeth is highly unusual. Under these conditions, your child’s teeth are probably turning loose too. Watch out for teeth gaps and loose teeth because they indicate that gum disease has gotten to the advanced stages in your child’s mouth.

Look for Gum Pus

Gum pus is a rare oral condition which is usually caused by a bacterial infection in the mouth. For instance, if your child had an oral injury which affected the pulp of their teeth or opened a wound in their gums, then they can get a bacterial infection.

This could cause pus to accumulate in the affected area of their gums. It will not take long for you or your child to notice this problem because it is painful and will leave a foul taste in their mouth.

Look for Chronic Bad Breath

It is common for children to get bad breath, but not consistently. If your child uses mouthwash and brush their teeth, but their breath is still bad, then it is a sign of gum disease. Take this seriously because bad breath that won’t go away could lead to worse symptoms.

Look for Irregular Jaw Alignment or Chewing

The way we naturally chew our food has a significant impact on our digestive health. However, specific symptoms of gum disease could change the way your child eats food because the jaw alignment is slightly altered. That will harm your child’s digestion, which will lead to other health problems.

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